HOUSE 41 CAFE | 四十一冰室
Time Travelling to the Beauty that We Have Lost
This is a restaurant located at Mei Ho House, which is the house 41 of the early Shek Kip Mei Estate, one of the earliest public residential buildings in Hong Kong (the 1950s). All the buildings in this estate have been rebuilt, except the house 41, the only one building chosen to be preserved.
穿梭時空 致我們遺失的美好
但每每看到的當中的一些「回憶情節」,總是有著一點點的疏離感,畢竟這是一部台灣出品的電影。但集體回憶又豈止台灣專美?其實,香港也有著不少屬於我們的回憶。最近,ADO Culture 新裝修佈置的美荷樓四十一冰室,便以「我們的快樂時代」為題,帶人們一路尋找這些也許已遺失的美好。