How long does it take to grab a lunch at cha chaan teng in Central? The whole purchase process takes only 2 min. Lunch is always "problematic" to the workers in the Central and Western District. Tens of thousands of them constitute the epic lunchtime crowd. Lunch hour is a valuable mid-day window for a short break. Because of job nature, most people devour the content hurriedly. The exhibition looks at how the Central district’s one-of-a-kind lunch scene forges unique social connections. Observing the district’s diverse network of gastronomical icons, Let’s Do Lunch presents an authentic lunch experience with tastings of culture, language and habits.
You may struggle among the inflatable dolls to find your way to lunch. You can "dress" up and enjoy a delicate executive lunch; pay a visit to different fraternity associations to get a taste of authentic regional cuisine; and meet the people who make company lunch great. The exhibition design incorporates different lunch scene and offers an exclusive "lunch experience" at Tai Kwun. Besides, at the upper level of Duplex Studio, we have furniture designed for people with different needs and preferences. You can spend time there to enjoy reading, to have some "me" time, or have a nice lunch with your loved ones. The Design Team hopes to connect different people through the design and, at the same time, pay respect to one’s autonomy in making choices according to intrinsic needs
如果你在中環茶餐廳買外賣,需要用幾多時間?答案是由購買到取餐,平均只需2分鐘。 生活在中環的上班族,由星期一至五一直為自己的午餐而煩惱,全因中環人太多。其實中環不止「快」,在今次展覽亦可細看中環餐桌眾生相,探討背後的人情故事,一同經歷豐富的「食晏」體驗。
你可以在人來人往的充氣公仔中拼命「搵食」;可以換套透明的「禮服」享用行政午餐;或是到同鄉會體驗不同的飲食文化;還可試試充滿人情味的福食。展覽設計模擬出不同的情境,讓你體驗純綷的中環食晏文化。 在展覽的上層設有獨特的坐椅,可讓不同人士、不同喜好、不同需要的人享用。你可以在這裡看書、獨坐、與情侶共餐、傷健共融均可。團隊希望可以通過設計,跟不同人士建立新的關係,同時保留自主性的內在需要。
