Memorigin is a leading brand in Hong Kong which only produces tourbillon. Their watches are a blend of Oriental and Western culture. Memorigin is originated from the historical culture of Chinese craftsmanship. In order to recall the culture and history of the Memorigin's founder, the geometry of Chinese ornaments are extracted from their traditional Chinese artworks, and re-interpreted in a contemporary approach.
The spirit of their Chinese antique shelves is also redefined into a contemporary showcase, which is asymmetrical and even in nature.
Moreover, walls and cabinets with different functionalities in the showroom is also made into a curved and consistent architectural form, with the repeating vertical elements throughout the form strengthening the continuity of the whole interior architecture.
The historical culture and form aesthetics are incorporated into the space in order to create a contemporary interior architecture with "Memories", which is unique to all those contributors who had made efforts to Memorigin from the past to the present. In the future, the creative innovation will also be developed based on the core cultural value of Memorigin.
萬希泉是香港目前唯一一個高檔陀飛輪手表品牌,他們創造的手錶結合着中華文化和西方國際品味。 萬希泉的創辦與中華傳統手工藝有著非常緊密的淵源。為了喚起及承傳創立萬希泉時的文化傳統,我們從他們的中華傳統手工藝中提取了傳統圖案,並將其轉化為簡約的當代幾何形狀。同時,當中傳統博古架的精神亦被當代手法呈現於陳列櫃排列。
此外,我們亦將陳列室中具有不同功能的牆身及展櫃,組建為幾何弧形的建築形態。當中重複的垂直條子視覺元素亦追通弧形展櫃, 以增加室內建築的連貫度, 及統一為建築的設計語言。
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