8th ib Awards 雅舍室內及家居品牌優越大獎—室內設計優越殿堂大獎
1/12/ 2020
ADO 榮幸可以獲頒 Interior Beauté 雅舍 室內設計優越殿堂大獎,我們的創辦人Karr Yip大談擔任香港設計師協會會長後的心路歷程,以及如何以自身經歷,以愛為起點,協助客戶及員工建立緊密家庭關係的分享。ADO創辦人Karr Yip大談擔任香港設計師協會會長後的心路歷程,以及如何以自身經歷,以愛為起點,協助客戶及員工建立緊密家庭關係的分享。
We were honored to receive the 8th ib Awards - Interior Design Hall of Excellence from Interior Beauté. Our founder, Karr Yip, spoke about his journey after becoming the President of the Hong Kong Designers Association and how he utilizes his own experiences and love as a starting point to assist clients and employees in building close family relationships.